provided by Essilor Industrial

Login & Ordering Overview
    iSafety™ Login & Ordering Overview
  1. To access iSafety™ : log onto:
  1. User ID : Log on to iSafety™ using your employee ID number.Company Code on the end (Example: 1234.XYZCO). Password: Welcome (Tip: This is case sensitive). If you can not log in to the system please contact your Safety Manager. They will need your Employee ID Number.
  1. New Password : iSafety™ requires first time users to reset their Password. Under "New Password" enter your new password. The system will require a hint reminder and a hint answer. If you forget your password, once changed, please contact your Safety Manager to have your password reset. Click on "Save" to continue.
  1. Processing Order for yourself : Using the toolbar across the top, you have the option to process "Order Form" or "Provider Locator" If you are ready to order your glasses, click on "Order Form".
  1. Processing an order form for an employee : Skip step 4. Instead, do an employee search by name or employee ID. If there are several employees with the same name, click on order next to the employee that is ordering safety glasses.
  1. Verify Information : The template will pop-up with your information. If any of this information is incorrect, please cancel and contact your Safety Manager. If the information is correct, click on Yes (check mark the box), then click on "Save & Continue".
  1. Find a Provider: This screen may default to another location other than what you are searching for. If so, simply change the City and/or State and click on "Find a Provider". Tip: Do NOT enter zip code. The city you are searching for should appear. All locations have been populated into the system. If you cannot find a provider in your location, contact your Safety Manager. You would need to click on "Cancel" or select a provider in another location close to yours. Once you find the provider you wish to use, click "Select" then click "Save & Next". YOU MUST GO TO THE PROVIDER THAT YOU SELECT. If you need to make a change to the provider selected then contact your Safety Manager to have the form reset . DO NOT go to a provider other than the one listed on the pre-printed form.

  1. Printing Order Form: At this point click on "Finish". Next click on "Download Order Form". Click on "Open". Order form is displayed. Print form by clicking on "File". Next click "Print", then click "OK". Take the order form with you to the Eyecare Provider listed on the form.

  1. Completing the Order Process: Once the form is printed, close the screen by clicking on the red X in the top right corner of the screen. Next, click on "Home". When you are ready to exit iSafety™, click on "Log Out".

IMPORTANT: USE ONLY THE PROVIDER SELECTED FROM THE LISTING. You must go to the provider that is printed on the order form. Your completed safety glasses will be shipped to the Doctor's Office listed in the Provider Information section on the bottom left corner of the order form.

If you are still having trouble logging in or printing your order form, please contact Include your company name (and location if more than one), your full name and your employee ID number.

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